InterShoot 2017 (P, R) (SR, JR)

1. februar 2017 / / /

InterShoot  2017

in The Hague, the Netherlands, is scheduled on :

FEBRUARY, 1        2017 ( day of arrival and training)
FEBRUARY, 2        2017 ( 1st day of competition )
FEBRUARY, 3        2017 ( 2nd day of competition )
FEBRUARY, 4        2017 ( 3rd and last day of competition )

Entry is open now!

InterShoot 2017 will be shot on Electronic Targets

You can find the program, the general information and the subscription forms for both hotel and match on our internet site

In 2017 all finals will be hosted by Mr. Jamie Stangroom and Mr. Ronald de Vos!
Jamie is a colleague from Mr. Shak Siyya.

InterShoot 2017 will try and follow the new ISSF 2017 rules as much as possible: approved-changes-in-2017-2020-issf-rules

All subscribtion forms will be registered in order of arrival!

We are looking forward to welcome you all to the city of The Hague, the Netherlands.

And please take notice:

In the Hotel we only accept cash money.

We are sorry, but we can NOT accept cheques or creditcard payments!

In 2017 it is also possible to pay in advance on the bank account of InterShoot.
Please contact our secretary/treasurer Mr. René van der Weijden bij mail ish @

kind regards


NB! Påmelding blir ikke administrert av forbundskontoret, men av den enkelte skytter eller klubb. Alle skjemaer må fylles ut av den enkelte skytter/klubb og så sendes inn til forbundskontoret ved Lindis Græsdal: lindis.graesdal @ Vi vil da stemple og signere skjemaene slik det er påkrevd fra arrangør:
«All Athletes wishing to participate in InterShoot can only do so with the approval of their national shooting Federation. The entryforms needs a stamp and signature of your Federation».